Scope and Content Monthly ACA Newsletter
November 2020, Volume 1, Issue 11
Dear Archival Colleagues,
2020 has been a year we never could have imagined. The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the role of records as central tenets of democracy and evidence-based decision making. The duty to document does not cease in a crisis; it becomes more essential. The Association of Canadian Archivists and the Association des archivistes du Québec board members have issued a joint statement calling on government, institutions, and industry to use their positions of leadership to properly document decisions, to secure and preserve those decisions and the data on which they are based, and to ensure their long-term preservation and access for the future members of our society.
Meanwhile, amid this change and uncertainty, I hope that you have found the Association of Canadian Archivists to be a steady source of support, community, and professional development. The ACA wants to continue to meet your needs. To this end, the ACA Leadership Team will convene virtually for our annual Fall Planning and Priorities meeting on November 21 and 22. In 2018, ACA membership endorsed "Moving Forward Together, ACA Strategic Plan, 2018-2021" which identified three key strategic priorities: education and professional development; advocacy; and diversifying the profession. The ACA Board, Committee Chairs, and Secretariat will be assessing outcomes, reviewing committee work plans, and setting near, mid, and long terms goals in keeping with these strategic priorities. I look forward to a stimulating discussion with my colleagues on the Leadership Team.
As always, please feel free to call or e-mail if you have any concerns about the ACA or any suggestions on how to make your association better. We always appreciate your feedback. Take care.
Best Regards,
Loryl MacDonald, President
Call for Submissions, ACA 2021 Conference
The ACA 2021 Conference will take place June 8 – 11, 2021, with the very relevant theme, Home Improvement: Building Archives Through Change. Like ACA 2020, ACA 2021 be a virtual conference. The deadline for submissions is November 16, 2020.
In the Field: ACA Blog
Check out the latest ACA blog post, which does a deep dive into the experience of ACA Communications Committee Members, Jasmine Charette and Claire Williams, as they shared the ACA 2020 conference on social media.
We want to hear from you. Do you want to share a particular initiative that will enlighten the archival world? Highlight new strategies and collaboration that facilitated access to a particular fonds or collection? Or raise issues regarding archival practices and theoretical paradigms? Consider submitting to the ACA blog. We encourage proposals from students and those new to the profession.
Advanced Online Exhibition Planning with Omeka
Saturday November 28 from 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm (EST)
next-level digital exhibits! In Part 2 of the Digital Exhibits
workshop, we will use Omeka S to centrally manage a collection of
exhibit websites. We will translate skills learned in Part 1 to the Omeka S
environment and extend its functionality using modules. Lastly, we will
use HTML5 to customize the appearance of your exhibit and add
interactive elements to it. Familiarity
with HTML5 is an asset but completion of Part 1 of the Digital Exhibits
workshop is a strongly recommended prerequisite.
Workshops on audio-visual materials: The ACA's Sound and Media Archives Special Interest Section is offering two virtual introductory workshops for archivists who have audio-visual records in their archives, and are interested in learning the basics of preservation and handling. These workshops will be held on Zoom.
Call for 2021 workshops: The ACA Education Committee invites proposals for online workshops for the Annual Conference and throughout 2021. Workshops on all topics are welcomed, particularly those relevant to remote working environments. Topics may include accessing, using, and working with collections in a digital environment, digital preservation, privacy and copyright, decolonizing archives, policy development, project management, or any other skills you think might support your colleagues in their work.
Workshop proposals are due December 15, 2020. All workshops will be offered online via Zoom and an honorarium of $150 will be offered to workshop facilitators.
If there is a workshop topic that you would like to see the ACA offer, please reach out to the ACA Education Committee.
Municipal Archives Special Interest Section Seeks Chair
The ACA Municipal Archives Special Interest Section (MASIS) provides a space for municipal archivists to connect and share expertise. MASIS is currently seeking a new chair. If you are interested in stepping into this role, please contact Director-at-Large Gillian Dunks at
Call for ACA Mentors
It's that time of year again - application forms are now open for ACA members to enroll in the Mentorship Program! Interested in making a connection with someone newly entering the profession? Become a mentor and offer your insight into archival issues, working environments, and career development. This is a great opportunity to give back and we welcome new mentors to join from the general ACA membership. To become a mentor, sign-up here.
Deadline for enrollment is November 15. More program details available on the ACA website.
Any questions can be directed to the Mentorship Program Coordinator, Jamie Sanford, at
Documentary Heritage Communities Program
Library and Archives Canada (LAC) is now accepting proposals for the 2021-22 funding cycle of the Documentary Heritage Communities Program. Eligible organizations have until January 12, 2021 to submit their completed applications.
LAC is offering a webinar on tips for a successful application. English session will be on November 17, 2020 at 2:00 pm (EST) and French session on November 13, 2020 at 2:00 pm (EST).
Job Postings
Submit your job opportunity here and it will be posted to the ACA website. We will also share this opportunity on our social media channels.
Scope and Content is issued the first Tuesday of each month. If you have any comments or feedback, please contact the Communications Committee.
Contact Us Suite 1912-130 Albert Street Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5G4 Tel: 613-853-1867 Email: